Friday, March 30, 2012

Diagram using Inspiration

Using the program Inspiration, I was able to create a diagram displaying the planets and their characteristics, which meets a requirement in both the Tennessee State Curriculum Standards and the NETS•T.

What went well:
The program Inspiration was extremely easy to use and allowed for a wide variety of creativity when creating a diagram. I had no trouble setting up my diagram and inputting my information. In addition, I found it really easy to edit my diagram from another computer. I thoroughly enjoyed using this program to create my diagram on the planets and look forward to using it in the future.

What did not go well:
Although the program proved to be very easy to use, I had a hard time determining the scale for my project and found it confusing to know if my project was completely centered or if the viewer of my diagram would have to scroll vertical or horizontal in order to view the entire diagram. That was one of the only issues I had when using this program. Another issue I faced was being able to select all of the arrows/links at the same time. I could never figure out a way to select all of them at the same time in order to edit their size, color, thickness, etc. Rather, I had to change each individual link/arrow one at a time.

What I would change:
I would definitely change the ability to select all of the arrows/links at the same time in order to edit. This may already be an option and I just could not figure out how to make it happen. However, if it is not an option I would make that possible because having to change each individual one becomes extremely tedious and time consuming. I would also provide the ability to lock in your proportion of your diagram. That way you would not have to worry about scrolling vertical and horizontal in order to view your entire diagram. In addition, this would make organizing your diagram easier because it would not be possible for you to be scrolling all over the place when trying to place different graphics and symbols.

How I plan to use this in my classroom:
I think this program will be an excellent tool to use in my future classroom. Inspiration allows the creation of more than just diagrams. It also provides the ability to make outlines, maps, templates, etc. This diagram project will come in use when providing my class with projects that integrate both the computer and a textbook. I can use the diagram project to allow my students to organize information on all different types of subject matter. The program Inspiration alone will provide me with a variety of ways to integrate the digital world into my classroom and I look forward to using it as a tool for teaching lessons to my students and as a tool for my students to use to complete different projects.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today's Web 2.0 tool presentation was on the program Smilebox. This is an awesome site which allows you to create slideshows, newsletters, thank you notes, collages, etc. This will be a fun tool to use in my future classroom and will be an easy way to send out a weekly newsletter to the parents about new things taking place in the classroom each week. Below I have created my own newsletter!

Click to play this Smilebox newsletter
Create your own newsletter - Powered by Smilebox
Newsletter design personalized with Smilebox

Thursday, March 8, 2012

ABC's Scavenger Hunt

What went well:
The group scavenger hunt went very smoothly. Our group worked together and found it very easy to find majority of the pictures to represent a letter from the alphabet A-L. Using the dropbox tool we were easily able to share the photos with everyone in the group and access them from any computer. Uploading the pictures to Picasa Web Albums was extremely easy and allowed me to make a slideshow of the scavenger hunt to share here on my blog and also to share with the public. In addition, Google Presentations was very easy to navigate and allowed for a variety of creativity in creating a slideshow presentation of the pictures from the scavenger hunt. This can also be viewed below on the blog. 

What did not go well:
This assignment and the tools used to create a presentation of the photographs taken was all around a very easy project to create. Our group did find that we had trouble coming up with a picture for a couple of the letters, but that was easily resolved once we thought hard enough about it. I found that when uploading pictures to my Google Presentation that there was a size difference between vertical photos and horizontal photos. I had to adjust the size of the horizontal photos to make sure my photographs were consistent throughout my presentation. Unlike Picasa Web Albums, my Google Presentation was a little bit harder to embed into my blog. I had to do a little bit of searching in order to figure out how to get my presentation to appear just like my Picasa Web Album on the blog. 

What I would change:
There is not very much about either of these tools nor the scavenger hunt project that I would change. I would say if I had to change one thing it would be making embedding your Google Presentation easier. It may have just been something I struggled with, but I would change this aspect to make navigation go that much more smoothly. Obviously, if one person has had trouble with it someone else has probably come across the same problem.

How I plan to use this in my classroom:
Picasa Web Albums, Google Presentations, and the scavenger hunt project will all be tools and projects I use in my future classroom. Picasa Web Albums will be a great tool to create lessons and slideshows for my students. In addition, it will allow me to share photos of activities done in my classroom with my students' parents and will allow me to post their work for their parents to see as well. This tool will also be something I can use to integrate photography into the curriculum by having students take pictures of related subject matter and posting it to our class web album to present to their peers. Google Presentation will also serve a similar role in my future classroom. I will use this to create slideshows to present to my students and can even use it to present information to parents at open houses. This will be a great tool to teach my students to use and to help integrate technology into the curriculum. Last but not least, the scavenger hunt project will be put to use in my classroom to go hand-in-hand with both of the tools mentioned above. This project will integrate collaboration, technology, and photography into my class curriculum and all three are very easy to do. I am excited to teach my students how to use these easy tools and see all of the amazing things they can create!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Picasa Web Album

My partner and I presented the Web 2.0 tool Picasa Web Albums. This is an easy way to put your photos on the web and to be able to access them whenever and where ever. You can create photo albums and share them with family and friends or keep them private for your use only. It is a great tool to use in the classroom because it allows you to create slideshows for a lesson plan, share pictures with your students and parents, and integrate photography into the curriculum having students take pictures related to a particular subject matter. I created a lesson plan on coins as my artifact for the project which is embedded below for you to view!

From Lesson on Coins

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Our Web 2.0 tool presentation for class today was over Timetoast. This is a very useful website that allows the creation of timelines, which will be useful in a classroom setting for multiple uses.