Friday, February 3, 2012

All about Wikis

My recent use of wikis through the program PBworks has allowed me to experience what parts I like and don't like about wikis, what I would change about wikis, and how I plan to use and not use wikis in my practice or with my students. 

What went well: 
I really enjoyed how simple creating a wiki is. I found that the wiki is very easy to navigate and open to a variety of creativity. The thing I liked most about the wiki was the fact that it allows for a network of communication and collaboration between users, which will be very beneficial in the future. 

What did not go well:
What I found that did not go well with the wikis was the lock when multiple users were trying to edit the wiki. It makes the editing process of the wiki a little bit tedious and time consuming having to wait for the lock to open up. 

What I would change:
If I could change something about the wiki I would change the lock so that multiple people could be editing and submitting their edit at the same time. This would make for a greater ability for collaboration and make the editing process not as tedious having to wait for another user to be finished editing in order to submit. 

How I plan to use this with my students:
I feel that the use of the wiki will be very beneficial when I become an elementary teacher. The wiki will allow for communication between my students and their parents. I can use the wiki for the parents to communicate with me and each other and for them to receive a weekly news letter or any other type of information they might need to know for my classroom. I can use the wiki with my students for different classroom projects and to incorporate the skill of working in a group. It will allow my students to work together both inside and outside of the classroom. 

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