Friday, February 10, 2012

Picasa Web Albums

Picasa Web Album.png

Over the past week my partner and I got the privilege of working with the web 2.0 tool called Picasa Web Albums. PIcasa Web Albums provides a simple way for you to get photos from your computer or camera onto the web. Using this web 2.0 tool you can share your pictures with friends and family and even explore public photos others have posted. It is a free and easy tool to learn to use and provides a variety of uses. 

What went well:
I really enjoyed the fact that Picasa Web Albums allows you to post your pictures on the web for others to access kind of like a drop box. Therefore, no matter where you are you can always access your photos. In addition to being able to share your pictures with anyone, I also liked the fact that you can make your albums private so that only you may see them. I also enjoyed learning that you may post videos and/or slideshows, which will be useful in the future as a teacher being able to make quick slideshows for a lesson. I use the program Picasa to edit my photos on my computer now, so I am so excited that I learned how to use Picasa Web Albums to share my photos online. This web 2.0 tool is so easy to use and I highly recommend it!

What did not go well:
I will have to say I had a very hard time finding something that I did not particularly like about Picasa Web Albums. One of the features I found that I did not like was that in order to make slideshows or movies you have to use the program Picasa and then upload it to Picasa Web Albums. For those who do not have the Picasa program that might cause problems with having to learn how to use a whole new program. 

What I would change:
I would change the fact that slideshows and movies cannot be made on the actual Picasa Web Albums site. It would be a lot easier to just be able to upload the photos to an album and make a slideshow of that album. 

How I plan to use this with my students:
The best part about Picasa Web Albums is that it provides great opportunities to use in the classroom. Through this web 2.0 I can organize photos of my class and special events we do, such as field trips, and provide a link to the albums for the parents of my students. I can also make a CD of photos of my class throughout the year and give a copy to each of my students. This web tool also provides me the ability to integrate technology and photography into my lessons by having my students take lesson related photos, post them to our class Picasa Web Album, and present oral reports on them in front of the class. Picasa Web Albums will also be a great tool to use at open house or parent conferences to show what their kids will learn throughout the year, tell about myself, and to publish students' work. I am so excited to use this web 2.0 tool in the future as a teacher!

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