Monday, April 23, 2012

Digital Story

The digital story project using iMovie was a really fun and creative project. I chose to tell a story about going grocery shopping and with the help of my friend photographed a step by step grocery shopping experience from grabbing a cart and shopping to checking out. I really enjoyed this project and recommend it to anybody wanting to create a fun way to tell a story.

What went well:
Deciding on what topic I wanted to do my digital story on was actually really easy to choose. I felt that grocery shopping would be a fun thing to tell a story about. Using the iMovie program was also very easy to do. The program allows a wide variety of creativity to enhance your video project and I had a lot of fun testing out all of the different effects. Putting the story together came naturally to me and figuring out how to navigate the iMovie program was easier said than done.

What didn't go well:
Putting the storyboard together and deciding exactly which pictures I wanted to use was definitely challenging. I had to cut out pictures and make sure that my video flowed so that the viewer understands what my story is trying to tell. This required me to be picky on exactly what I wanted to incorporate in my digital story. In addition, I had trouble with my text saving correctly on my credits slide because I did not realize you had to click outside of the box and press done in order for the program to save your changes. Also, choosing the right music to enhance your video was challenging due to certain copyright laws which prohibited me from using the songs I wanted to put in my digital story. Lastly, I did not like the fact that you could not upload your iMovie project through Dropbox in order to access and edit your digital story on another computer.

What I would change:
There is not very much I would change about the digital story project itself nor the program iMovie. I would really like if iMovie allowed you to upload your project to Dropbox rather than having to put it on a flashdrive. So I would definitely change that aspect. I would also change the fact that in order for your changes made to the captions be saved you have to click outside of the text box and press done. I think it would be much easier if the program just auto-saved whatever changes made like it does for everything else.

How I plan to use in my classroom:
This project and iMovie itself will serve a variety of purposes in my class. I can use this project to have my students create autobiographies, virtual tours, or even videos to teach a concept to the class individually and in groups. I can also use this project and program myself to make fun and creative ways to teach lessons to my students. In addition, I could create a type of welcome video to show the parents at open house. I look forward to using this program and this project specifically to enhance my students' knowledge on using technology and to make teaching different concepts creative and fun.

Below is an example of a digital story I created called "Let's Go Grocery Shopping!".

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